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Local News

Sheriff’s Office Urges Motorists To Drive
Responsibly During Holiday Season

Sheriff's Seal

The holidays are a special and joyous time of year. Unfortunately, the holiday season can also be a time when our roadways become more dangerous as motor vehicle accidents become more prevalent.

On behalf of everyone in the law enforcement community, Sheriff Scott Hess encourages people to celebrate the season. “At the same time, we don’t want that celebration to turn to tragedy.” Sheriff Hess is asking for the motoring public’s help to reduce accidents resulting in personal injury and fatalities this holiday season. “We want to heighten public awareness surrounding the importance of driving safely. Common causes of motor vehicle accidents include excessive speed, falling asleep at the wheel, driving in inclement weather, and drinking and driving. It’s important that motorists take responsibility for their own driving habits & actions and obey all vehicle and traffic laws.”

All law enforcement agencies share a common interest in keeping our roadways safe for everyone. Orleans County Sheriff’s Deputies will be watching this holiday season for motorists who drive in a manner that endangers themselves and/or others.

Sheriff Hess says, “We need everyone’s help to influence their family members and friends to make safe, responsible decisions that will ultimately reduce injuries and save lives. People everywhere should be enjoying the season with family and friends, not grieving the serious injury or death of a loved one.”

Scott D. Hess,
Sheriff of Orleans County   

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